Uninformed Comment

Training leaflet

Posted in Grammar & usage by uninformedcomment on May 4, 2009

I was tidying my desk again today when I came across a leaflet that had been posted through the door a few months ago, and which I’d kept.  It advertised training facilities provided by a company called A4e; they claimed:

Last year, we supported over 60,000 people in their journey towards employment, arranging for people to undertake forklift truck training, work tasters, mock interviews and IT training.

Now, 60,000 IT-literate forklift truck drivers is an impressive tally, and any beacon of hope is very welcome indeed, especially during an economic recession and in a city with one-third unemployment.  Shame, then, about the headline of the leaflet (location blanked by me):


Presumably, A4e is having to cut back like any other company, and the proof-reading deparment is as vulnerable as any.  But all the same …

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